It is one of the most wonderful things when I come home from work and my children run to the door to give me a hug shouting, “Daddy’s home, daddy’s home.” You may know or have known a family who made it a joy to be in their home, who welcomed you into their home as if it was your own. 1 Peter 4:8-10 reads, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
That kind of welcome isn’t just for our children or for those special families. It’s something we are all called to strive for. To share what we have, our homes, food, time, and energy, with each other. The Bible even tells us to do this with traveling Christians and even strangers. Opening one’s home up for others to talk, eat, and rest is an appropriately traditional understanding of hospitality. In fact, one Bible translation translates the Greek word commonly translated as “hospitality” as “share your home.”
Thanksgiving can be a very warm and wonderful time of year as we eat with friends and family and reflect on how we are blessed by God and by others. Though for many, it can be a struggle. We’ve all had times when we know we should be grateful, but… Or we say we are grateful and we make our lists, but we don’t really feel it. Or we may even be earnestly grateful, but it gets lost in a swirl of negative emotions. What a wonderfully appropriate time to practice hospitality (Romans 12:13). When we have the warmth, the wonder, the time, the food, and the person of Jesus to share with those who are hurting, struggling, or alone, let’s practice.
May God use you to bless others this week and may you be blessed as you welcome and share with others!